How to write a news story ?

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Welcome to the "Topics" website, today we will address a very important topic: how to write a news story?

What is the news story?

It is the aspect that deals with the transfer of events and facts that are of interest to the masses, objectively and honestly, so that the story includes a precise description of what is going on in an artistic and creative way.

Component parts of the news story

Here is a set of questions that must be available in the press news, so that the information is complete to the public and be integrated, logical and honest, and to make the public have a full understanding of the news, these parts are:

News sections

The title is the most important part of the news story. It is the title that attracts the attention of the public and inspires their curiosity and interest. They follow the news story to its end. So the origin of the news story is the headline, so choose the strongest words and put them in the foreground. Reduce the power, make the title contains only 4-7 words, and the address must be compatible with the news story and must take into account the credibility and professionalism in it.

***Introduction: The skill of writing a news story is here, and this is the interface that shows the audience the importance of the news or not, so be aware that the introduction is a few and smooth, and that the introduction contains a simple explanation of the story makes the reader complete the reading of the news to the end without feeling bored or long story . Subject: Here is the subject of the article with credibility

***What was the cause of the event, and what was happening and resulted in the occurrence of the event, and this would clarify the matter to the reader without there is too much length or interpretations so as not to cause a breach of meaning, or confusion in the public.

The conclusion is that there is a kind of a trilogy, which is the closed conclusion and the conclusion, and the mix and out of libraries Astifham that make the reader exceeds the credibility and qualification and examination on more, and see the details, but the conclusion Conclusion is the conclusion that the writer ends the news may have satisfied the reader with everything he wants to know , And the reader here feels he has got everything he wants about the news.
***If you want to excel in writing the news story, you have to be distinguished by having your own style, away from imitation or likeness, you can be your own style, and choose a particular formula in which to write the news story, so that your writing is attractive and fun and make the reader looking for your writings to read in each Once, in order to reach this stage, make the news that you write contains all the parts of the news that have been mentioned, and it is better that your writings contain excitement and suspense. Without these words there will be no fun. Man is looking for everything that is new and raises his interest and makes him come out with a little imagination. Of repetition and transgression D, so make your style upscale and easy، In order for the public to understand the sequence of events, it is necessary to ascertain the information that you are writing,

Reliable sources, and it is important when writing a news story to be aware of the event you will write, and aware of all aspects so as not to fall into the trap of doubt

The public, and you change events, be honest to gain confidence, and know that writing the news is not easy, it needs intensive training, and that

Be experienced so that you can communicate the news to the audience with all creativity and art.
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