Weight loss is easier said than done, and although the way to achieve it seems simple, through a healthy diet and exercise, weight loss is a big dilemma for many people.
It seems that this problem has been the concern of people throughout history, and even some suspicious methods have been popular among people in the past will shock you recognize!
The strangest ways to lose weight throughout history!
Treat the tapeworm
It is said that people in the Victorian era ate tapeworm eggs for weight loss. When the egg hatch and the growth of the worm until it reaches adulthood, the person notice a sharp decline in weight. Eventually, however, the doctor had to remove the worm through a metal tool from the patient's throat. Patients also suffered from side effects such as dementia, epilepsy and chronic gastrointestinal pain.
Intentionally poisoning through arsenic intake:
In the 19th century, arsenic was used to burn calories for what was commonly reported as the ability to speed up metabolism, but no one mentioned that arsenic had deadly toxicity.
An enema dedicated to weight loss: -
The injection was invented by Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, who is the same founder of the famous breakfast cereals such as Fruit Lobbs and Frosted Flakes. Kellogg treated people with water and used yogurt injections to clean the colon.
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