"Time": the attack on the home of a Muslim American family and tear the Koran
A Muslim family returned to their home in Virginia after spending the weekend abroad to find hate messages on the walls of the house, Time magazine reported.
The family pointed out that the house was subjected to a number of damages, including the disruption of the Koran and the desecration of religious writings by hand, along with the loss of green cards and gold jewelry worth more than 25
thousand dollars. Photos posted by family members on Twitter showed graffiti and torn books lying next to toys at their home in Fairfax County.NBC said police were investigating the crime as a robbery. The wife and mother, who did not disclose her surname to safety concerns, said her family was completely shocked, and it was like a dream.
Hate crimes against Muslims have risen since the election of Donald Trump as president, and hate-related crimes have increased in Fairfax County.x
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